My Dear Parishioners, John the Baptist always plays a big role in Advent. He was the last and greatest of a long line of Old Testament prophets. God sent those prophets to prepare Israel for the arrival of the Messiah, the anointed Savior and Redeemer of the world - Jesus. Isaiah's prophecy in today's First Reading was made more than five hundred years before John the Baptist's prophecy, but their substance is very much the same:
Deacon Pashley gave a fantastic homily on Thanksgiving Day at Mass and he made a marvelous connection between gratitude and the Mass. I think it fits right in with our Advent Eucharist Revival! So, his homily is reproduced here for your edification. We are thankful to Deacon Pashley for his witness to the love of God shown to us daily in the Holy Eucharist with his carefully thought out and prayed-out homely!